Wednesday, June 20, 2012

"Friends Who Talks About Each Other..."

          As mention above, friends who talks about each other can means different things in different perspective. Some can lead to something bad which is talking behind other friends and gossiping OR talking good about them and have fun with each other through that conversation( Making fun of each other...). and many more as the list goes on. It all depends on how you want it to be. Good or Bad, it's up to the whole intention that we show during that particular activity. let's start with the Bad part...

          Well... usually we talk a lot behind each other right? Do you agree? Directly or Indirectly, i believe we all did it. The most popular one would be gossiping! This, we are all well aware that it is a common activity that we all participate in one way or another in our everyday lives. In our human nature, we bound to dislike or hate or felt offended towards people around us that might hurt us in any ways that we might felt offended at. It's quite natural in my opinion that we gossip around and talk bad about them. It's a way of expressing our dissatisfaction about certain matters through words and shared it to our friends or people around us. This sort of activity will usually lead us to nothing good but doing more damage instead. It can either brings down your own image OR eventually causes trouble towards that person that you talked about. Cases like this can cause misleading in also causes misunderstanding. This usually will lead to disaster for yourself and that particular person. But not all gossip are actually bad... i think it all depends on how you want to use it.

          The good part that i can think of is, talking about a particular person in a discussion way, that will lead to positive effect towards that whole situation. This is when we care about them, and we talk about them in a group that we try to figure out whats the main problem and try to find a way to fix it and make it right. Some friends do talk about other friends and ranting everything out that it might seem bad and negative but at the end it's for the benefits of the other person. How? Well... Sometimes it's because we care about them, we talked and wonder why they are in that mess. It's because we care, we make that effort to try to help them in this type of ways which is "discussing" with friends and take action after that. Confrontation and solution... is usually what we do all the time but sometimes we chose not to do anything but just talking and more talking.

          So what do you think? There is more than just all this and i believe that everything happen for a reason. Whatever that reason is, we must know how to act wisely and maturely towards any situation and also know how to act accordingly. Sometimes certain action that we make can either cause more trouble or solution. So whatever the outcome will become, it all depends on how we handle it... Nobody is perfect for sure but at least most of the time, try to be good, step by step to a better person. Choices is always in our own hand and we are definitely not stupid... This is how or what i think... There is more to all this and slowly we learn day by day from our mistake. 

---Random Thought---