Friday, May 20, 2011

Floating Mind....

          Are we satisfy with most of the things in our life now?? Do you think you have everything?? Pretty much maybe?? Well i bet the answer would be a NO right? Cause it's a typical human nature to want things. We tend to get bored of our current items and wanting a new set of it. But one thing for sure that  i'm sure we all wont get bored of.... Jesus. Common, how can we get bored of him?? Tell me?? He practically gave us everything.... Everything that we ever wanted in this universe. Life itself and his unfailing love! and that is what i keep in my heart the most. Without life, we wont even be here and without his love... I'm sure we will be so depress right now with everything that is going on in our life. But you know.. Its sad to see sometimes that some of us, see things in a more down-ward way... When there is a problem, we want to solve it with any short cut ways that we can find... and usually not in a good ways. We have everything in our body.... Hands, Legs and vice-versa.... Sometimes we are just too lazy to act accordingly and just take everything for granted. Some think that life suck.. well, i cant judge on that cause it's your life.
          Once few years back, i watched this video on youtube about this guy who do not have a complete body part. Man! he love his life so much and enjoying every bit of it. Nothing is too hard for him but us, we complain a lot. He said that every problem has a solution. Nothing is impossible... It's just a matter of, IF we wanna try to solve it or not. If you fall.... get up and try again. From that, we gain... right? I gave up many times in my life. Sometimes i just don't know what to do and i just drop everything and thats it..... i felt ashamed of that. We all who have perfect body parts and gets most of everything we want, but still we complain about it. Some even said this life suck. Well again, how do we know it is suck? What do we know about it? We barely sometimes even knew what life suck really are. How suck is our life compared to others that maybe have sucker life than us? hmmmm??? We human sometimes just make our life more complicated than it already is.
          You know... In all this thing that is happening everyday in our life... We always forgot one thing. To pray... We never have thought of that most of the time. Right? I bet so... Cause it happens to me too. We always take prayer for granted. We never know how powerful prayer can be. But some only pray when they are out of options. I mean it is not wrong but you know, to put God as our last option is really sad... It's like we only needed him when things goes really bad and ignore him when everything are good. If you are in his shoe, how would you feel?(can't even be Him =P) I mean what if a friend do that to you....???? Find you when he or she need you and ignore you when all if fine. Get the picture? I bet you will feel sad right? Actually we should always pray even when we are in a good or bad moment. Cause all event that is happening around us, is all part of His plan. I try to make it a habit to pray everyday. All the time in my own ways... Still learning but it's worth to try. Talk to Him all the time and you'll be surprise how he will answer you back. I'll share with you one of my experience.......
          Few years back when i was attending this local university somewhere.... I meet a bunch of new friends. Love that place and it's all good during the first week. Get to know more about my roommates and we became close. During the orientation week, it felt like we are attending army camp. GOSH!!! Torturing.... They are harsh and rude at times and really like to boss around.(Our facilitators...). Towards the end of that week, they told us that they purposely did that just to get us prepared for our seniors that are coming back the coming week. They said for some, it might be hard but that is it is now. Senior bully the new bird.... at first i thought it is not that serious but one fine night when i was not around during that weekend, my roommates got bruises most of their body parts.(No need details on this i guess.....) i felt sad and decided to stay with them the coming week and so i did. That night, a group of senior went to our room and locked the door.. They asked us to do whatever they wanted us to do. As much as i hate whats going on, i just obeyed them. We don't want to create a scene and we just follow everything that they told us to do. At one point one my friend start to defend himself. To be honest most of us are ready for a big royal rumble in that small room. I've been praying hard in my heart from the moment they entered our room. I prayed that the Lord send anyone here to clear all this and end it. A few second before the royal rumble begin, one guy appeared.
          I was shock that i din't know what to do. One of their friend came in and told them that it's enough and just go back to your own room. So the other senior did as told... That guy sat down and told us to relax and apologize on their behalf. I was so relief and breath really hard on the floor. You think that the guy appear just by chance? To me i don't think so. I really thank god that he hears me and helped me at that critical moment. This is one of my most unforgettable experience that ever happened to me. Who says Jesus din't hear you... HE will answer you in his own ways and that ways sometimes will make you doubt and you know why you doubt? it's because his ways are too unreal to you that you doubt what you see.... Right? That is what i call Surprises! He always surprise us in his own ways and that what makes it beautiful. So guys.... Pray to Him everyday... In anything at all... Talk to Him... it's like praying too by just talking to Him. He is always there with us.. next to us... all we need to do is just to allow him to enter. Thats all.... I pray that everything is all well and may He continue to guide me, you... in everything we do in life. Cause without him, there are no this and that.. no you or me.... He gave us everything so it is right that we thank Him all the time for everything. Amen? yeah? Bless you guys always and you know, i pray that he will always use us as his instrument to do his work.... It's a great pleasure to become his instrument. =) In his name i pray, Amen! 

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