Thursday, May 26, 2011

~ CHOSEN to be His ~

          This few days was great or should i say Epic-ly Awesome!!! lolz... After 2 years plus, i'm back for the Easter Rally Concert, also known as ER! I've been missing a lot of it in that MIA(missing in action) years. Every bit of it, i honestly miss it dearly.. It was a great experience to experiencing it again. It was like a big message to me. To be his instrument in any ways that He wants me to be. To do anything that He wants me to do. I believe He is great that He always surprise us in an unexpected ways. He do things in His own ways that we all can never understand sometimes and when we expect that everything will turn bad and ugly, at the last moment He will definitely do His MIRACLE. All we need to do was to believe in Him... I believe that is all what He wants us to do, to believe in Him. I really thank Him for everything that He has done for me and how much He had taught me and shown me in this past few years of my life while serving Him. In or out the ministry, He still guide me to do what He wants me to do. To be Chosen by Him again this time to serve Him in a different way, was a big pleasure for me. I praise Him and thank Him alot for it. I believe it was not by chance but personally hand-pick by Him. As i reflected back on everything and think back on how all this started, i smiled and said that this is what He wants me to do. To be on His side, to be with His people, to be His instrument for His work.

          It all started back in year 2005... I was in the school marching band that time. Kinda a rascal... a little troublesome and most of the time, hard to handle kinda kid. ER05 was about to start about in a week or two. That time i din't know what was ER all about and what was that concert for. I think i was tagging along with my friends. I've been to masses a few times and what caught my attention was the musicians. I've always enjoyed how the musicians played in church and i usually closed my eyes listening to them. I felt so in peace and start talking in my heart sometimes. Since then i've always dream of playing the guitar and to serve for masses. But i never know how and never asked anyone about it. As all the ER preparation was going on, i ended serving in the security team. Whole ER i enjoyed meeting lots of different people and friends. How i even started to be there in the first place, i have no idea at all. Why am i saying this is because... FYI, i'm not a catholic. I'm an SDA which stands for Seventh-day Adventist. To be honest, i don't know much about it. All i know was we don't pray for Mama Mary, we don't wear a cross which i'm the only one who wore it and we don't eat a few type of food which i'm not sure and i don't practice it myself. I was always with the catholic ever since i was a kid. I studied at St.Theresa Padungan and was at the kindy there too.

          Every time after school i will always go to the church to help those Sisters to mop the entire church, clean the bench or i'll just play around the church compound. But mopping was what i like to do the most. I will flood the entire floor and just make my own water park in there. It was fun... The sisters will just shake their head and smile. Hahaha... im just too naughty.... But i enjoyed wasting my time there. Till i ended my schooling days there, that is what i do most of the time. So roughly that is what my background of myself was. Back to the ER05..... As i mention earlier, i din't really know how it actually happen and started. But i believe it now that He called me to join Him and His crew. After ER05 ended, i continued to get myself involved with the rest of the people. The only person that really knew there was Joshua Erron and Ben@Mr.Ben! =P(He is my band teacher and still now.....) One fine day, i followed Josh to sunset mass practice. I was tagging along and i was bored so i joined him. I sat there at the bench and watched them practice. Sam suddenly approach me and asked me this.. "Jim, can you help ka?"(Something like that...) and i said "Yes, what do you want me to do?" then he just put this LP conga in front of me and asked me to play. I feel so blur but excited for a while. But the thing is i never played one before and i'm not even a drummer or percussionist. The only instrument that i know how to play that time was a little bit of guitar and more to trumpet. So, sam showed me a few move and basics and there i go. Ended serving for mass that evening and since then, i journey with the empowered ministry.

          The whole experience to be there when everything happened was more than what you can say in words. ER06 was my first concert on stage, KAYD, WYD and a few more events till 2008.... After that year, i left the ministry for studies and personal problems. But i never regretted to be part of all this and i believe i will always be in it in any ways that God wants me to. After i left the ministry, i continued my life like usual... No more busy or compact time for me. When i was at the ministry, 80 percent of my time was with them. They are like my second family and St.Joseph church, Gallery, Youth Room and all it's surroundings are just like a second home for me. I enjoyed myself so much to be part of it. Home - College - Church - Activities(empowered family).... That is what i do all the time. It happened too often that at one point my parent was questioning me about what i'm doing. As how i mentioned before that i'm not a catholic, right? So, to be this busy with church till night and almost all the time, it kinda feels not normal for my family.(I THINK!) Owh, FYI, Mom is a buddhist and Dad is a christian, SDA. So i was baptist but not as a catholic. So roughly i think you get where i'm trying to bring you. Not much details i can give but yeah....... Obeying parent is always the number 1 priority. I practice that... Even my ministry leader taught me that. I was with the ministry for 3 years plus and it is out of my own will and i feel very close and  homely to God in my heart. Thats why i was there. But nothing comes easy in life right? Sometimes there is a time we must go and just obey... But i've made a promise to myself that sooner or later i will be back.

          In this 2 years plus when i'm away, i seldom be in contact with the ministry. Very seldom going to church and that is it. Just like that.... At first it felt so free... but as time past and years gone... i felt like i'm stuck... Not going anywhere at all... I felt like i'm missing a lot of things which i'm not sure of myself... It was kinda hard i guess... But you know, God never gave up on me. He always send someone to come to me and reminded me all the time that when i'm ready, please come back. He even taught me to be strong and always try to depend on Him. He guided me all the way... I'm really grateful for that. You know, no matter how far i run or how i think i might be lost somewhere, He will always personally come to me and guide me back. I believe God wants me to do something for Him. To asked me to be His instrument and to share His news to others out there. Cause no matter where i go, He will always come and be with me. He chose me.... and hand-pick me  from the very beginning even before i knew it. I believe He has something in stored for me..........

          I believe i'm choosen to be His... as anything that He wants me to do and what He wants me to be. Because, out of everyone out there... HE chose me to be with Him and asked me to join Him with all of His crew member to serve Him in all the task that HE has given us. How i ended to be the security, entering my 1st gathering, more in between that i cant remember, ended playing for mass and lastly serving Him in a more serious manners... I believe it is not by chance.. But He personally chose me and YOU to do it for him. I believe you will feel the same..... If this is not by Him, then there is nothing more i can say. To be part of His project in this life now, i would saw it's really a great pleasure to be on board. We are all in this together! Not alone but with Him as our captain. Try to think of all that you have gone through from the beginning till now... Is it by chance or what??? I believe it is part of what He have plan for us. We also have plans on our side but He is the person to decide everything. Without Him, there is no You or ME and definitely no US... Right????? Many more to learn and more surprises awaits us... He is just so great that nothing can even compare to Him. When you think it's all dark around you, He will light it up. When you think there is no way to go and stuck, He will make a way for you. He will make everything impossible to be possible. Amen? =)   

1 Peter 2:9 - But you are the chosen race, the King's priests, the holy nation, God's own people, chosen to proclaim the wonderful acts of God, who called you out of darkness into his own marvelous light.