Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Things that you, me and we want... once again from me randomly...

   All of us here wanted everything for ourself. Anything that gets our attention, THATS what we will get... I used to think like that and sometimes get what i want in any ways that i'm capable off... We never actually think what is the consequences or anything at all. We will usually desire it so much that we day dream about it... Thats us.. We human are so weak... I was thinking lately... Why should i buy this? What's the benefits of doing so? Is it worth it? If i use this money to buy this stuff, will i regret, for it will cause myself low in pocket money? Will i have enough after that? Something like that... We will never get satisfy in most of the stuff that we have. We will wanting to want more of it... Sometimes i was thinking if im grateful enough for everything that i have and owned. Recently i got myself a temporary work at some bookstore. I earn my own pocket money and experience paying bills and spending right amount of cash everyday for me to survive throughout the whole month. For the 1st few month i fail to do so... By the 1st or 2nd week, im already out of cash... SIGH!!! But then i'm getting better now.. at least i manage to hold on till the 3rd week before the salary is out again.. I have to admit that i am a BIG money spender... Not in things or stuff BUT in FOOD!!! I am a big food lover myself... i eat alot and spend most of my time eating. I know it's not healthy but i really love food. Anyways, recently i was reading this book about those who are poor in some other side of the world and this line struck me.. "We don't want a house but we want a HOME". People there want something that they need so badly and most of them cant even own it till now. I saw some interesting pictures there.. Their food and lifestyle is just so simple, clothing, not so old but slightly dirty, no shoes or sandals... Schools, outdoor.... a house that they call HOME, is just made from mud or straw... They are so thankful and this makes me think alot... You know, we all should be thankful for all the things that we had and given to us. Nowadays we  want all the advance cellphone, computers, and etc... But then again do we really need them in the first place?? hmmm??? I mean is it necessary? I would have to say that, im not a goodie and yeah, i do have those bad habits myself... i WANT!!!! and thats the problem... It's not wrong to want a thing or two but as long as we do it in a control manner and tone down here and there, i think we should be doing alright at the moment.. Just as long as we practice it, we wont stray away too far i HOPE! You know, by earning our own pocket money... i think it helps to make us realise that money is not so easy to earn and every cents of it counts. Spending wisely is advice and by learning to save some, we will gain alot from there. All those experience will make us see how hard our parent have worked in order to feed us and to give us good education. They try their best to give us what we want and most  of the time we never think that by asking alot from them, wont they feel burden cause... i mean they can use that cash to pay alot of bills or buy food supply for us. Instead of spending it on unnecessary items, might as well they save it for us... Nahh.. not all of us will think that way but then again also not most of us will want to see it that way. In this case, there are so many point of views about it and everyone can debate on it and bla... bla... bla... There is no right or wrong on how you see it but of course there will come to a point that there is something wrong in somewhere, somehow. But no harm in trying to understand it and do something about it. Thats what i feel and think.. It might be random but thats the truth about how i felt... All this, we can start by changing ourself first and adjust our own attitude then slowly to the other steps that will come in the process... 

*Another random thought from me...=)

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