Thursday, January 27, 2011

Looking Back...

          A minute ago, i was about to get myself ready to dream land... While i was doing that i saw this small box filled with papers and letters... I took it and opened it... I took everything out and read it one by one... guess what.... It was all letters from my childhood days... from primary school till i ended my secondary school days. As i go through everything slowly, i smile and laugh a little about what had been written in that letters... It was so funny and cute. Things that we all did when we are a kid are really priceless. Do you remember writing love letters or create some conversation through letters and pass it around to anyone in between so you will get their attention??? It is somehow... a THING that we kids do... Most of its content really make me misses all of my friends... Most of them are missing somewhere and cant seem to get hold of them. But IT is here nowadays to connect everyone so chances of finding them might be high.. hehe.. From that letter.. friends that once we regard them as best friend, now seem to be just a friend.. But the truth is, we actually still somewhere deep in our heart sees them as one of our dear close friend. Funny thing is, we choose to ignore it... Those letters really brings back lots of wonderful memories.. I really miss them dearly and hope to meet them and talk... It will be fun laughing around while sharing our childhood memories... isn't it??? I saw some of my medals hanging on my bedroom wall... from primary to secondary years... was gazing at them and reflect back all the events that i joined. It was a special moment to me for receiving all those medals. All those events that i work so hard, pays me back with a price... I am very happy about what gain from there. 
          All this letters, papers, medals, certificates and stuffs.... really brings back joy to me, and also at the same time makes me realise that how much that i have grown ever since then... When i was a kid, i used to say that i wanna grow up faster and worked and so i could enjoy lots of benefits as a grown up person.. But as we grew older, we start to realise that being a young adult is not as fun as we used to think how it really is. As we grow, we will definately have more responsibilities and something else behind us that we must carry.... funny thing is that as we grow, we wish that we were a small kid again so that we could care less and just focus to have fun and enjoy our life to the fullest. We never actually have to worry so much about alot of things... All we have to do is, HAVE FUN. Time really past by so fast that most of it, we dont even realise it ourself. Life is great... We got the chance to live in it and to enjoy it and to receive all the benefits it it. How the outcome will be?, that will depend on how we manage it and how we live and want it to be... God gave us life.. We should be thankful and live life to its fullest extent. Just remember this, Living here in this world is just one chance in our life time... So make it sweet and meaningful to yourself. After we go "home" soon, all we left here is just our memories and prints somewhere and our generation will continue it for us and it goes on so and so... So dont make a big fuss about small and unimportant matters.. Just TRY to move on and smile... Life is just too short to be in a bad mood all the time. Right? To all my friends and readers,... I wish you guys all the happiness in this world and may God bless you guys always. Have fun while you have the chance and be thankful for it. Thank our God for this give of life... ***HUGS***   


  1. ok can!! i wish i can wear my school uniform n wait in front of d church wf u n d rest!!

  2. yeah??? me too... masih cute and kacak bah that time... now even better la... hahahaha... miss all those moments...
